Pre-Shoot Checklist

No Cars in the Driveway

Remove all cars from the driveway. Our photographers need to be able to take a nice clean shot of the exterior.

All Trash Cans Removed

Hide all trash cans for the duration of the shoot. This includes interior and exterior trash cans.

Open Windows

Open all window blinds to let in as much natural light as possible.

De- Clutter

De-clutter all rooms as much as possible. This will give the room a much bigger feel.

Clean Up

Clean up! First impressions are everything. Make sure your home is clean and looks well maintained.

Turn on All White Lights Only

Turn on all white lights only. Yellow tungsten lights tend to clash with the original colors of your home.

Hide Pets

We love all of our furry friends, however it would be best to hide all pets for the duration of the photo shoot. We thank you in advance!

Remove Personal Information

It's best to remove all names off walls, personal photos, and sensitive documents for your safety.

Put Away All Valuables

To reduce all liability it would be best to put away all valuables such as, jewelry, weapons, purses, and anything else of value

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